Financial Consultations
Financial consultation is one of the most important issues for the success of the organization, among those services, Designing and reviewing financial systems.

Book-keeping services
COA professional team records client’s accounting transactions in a regular basis using accounting software by visiting client’s premises or remotely.

Various tax services
types of tax returns filing (income tax, VAT, salaries and like payments, with-holding tax , Submission of detailed objections/Appeals “required by law” on tax procedures.

Financial statements Audit
Audit of financial statements is considered one of the most crucial needs by any organization to add trust on the statements and also provides significant matters that appear within the audit

Tailored Services
Feasibility studies preparation for proposed projects and expansions of existing projects, Managerial restructuring and organizing , Designing internal control systems

Incorporation Services
All procedures of incorporating, amending, legal filing and liquidation of all types of legal entities according to the prevailing laws & regulations

Legal Consultations
Provide legal consultation services to our clients, complementing our financial expertise with legal knowledge that empower the business with the legal power.